Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Does shaving really make your hair grow back thicker?

i HEARD if you shave your hair grows back thicker and dark.. is have my legs, how often should I shave them to prevent this?
Does shaving really make your hair grow back thicker?
try immac
Does shaving really make your hair grow back thicker?

if you dont shave your hair tends to be thinner at the ends where they are less developed

if you do shave your hair will be blunt wear the razor chopped off the finer end

but shaving will not change your hair itself at all
Reply:yesss it does!

umm you cant do anything about it just wax or pay a lot of money to get lazer hair removal
Reply:No, its just that on new growth the top of the growth is finer then it is closer to the shaft, so when you take of the top of the hair you leave the thicker blunted part.
Reply:NO, that%26#039;s not true.

It%26#039;s a total myth, so dont let people make you believe that silly bullcrap.
Reply:very true, i only shave my legs every 3 days cuz they dont grow too fast for me, depends on the person tho.

Never ever ever! Shave your arms tho. Armpits = PLEASE SHAVE, Legs = PLEASE SHAVE, Arms = NEVER SHAVE
Reply:yes it does, buy nair, juss spray it on and you wont have to worry about shavin.
Reply:no...could you imagine what a womens legs or pits would look like....not to mention all the bald guys would shave make it thicker...its a wives tale
Reply:Do you want any hair at all?? If you don%26#039;t then shave them everyday. I think that when you shave them for the first time they start growing back darker and thicker. Don%26#039;t worry, it is not that bad.
Reply:YES it does lol well a lot of girls sahve theirs every day. sometimes if i wear jeans i let mine go for like a few days and they get kinda hairy then i shave em, ykno? they%26#039;ll usually stay pretty good for like a day or 2
Reply:every other day

personally i do it every day though cuz i don%26#039;t like having prickly legs

don%26#039;t be worried about it being dark if you keep up with it no one will notice

also 2 see if you need 2 shave take a cotton ball and run it up your legs in a shaving motion and then if your legs have pieces of cotton on them you need 2 shave or people will notice and you will have very prickly legs
Reply:Yes. When NEW hair grows, the tip is thin, soft, and light...the shaft is thicker and darker. When you have it is the shaft that continues to grow, so it is darker and thicker then before your shaved. If you wax, new hair grows and so what sprouts are thin, soft tips.
Reply:no! i went to get laser hair removal and the lady said it was a myth.
Reply:Shaving is much better than nair, because:

1. Nair will be more expensive, and it stinks!!!!

It does grow back fast and thick, but would you rather shave alot or have hairy legs???????

I shave every week
Reply:No it doesn%26#039;t and shave your legs as much as you want.
Reply:No. If that were true, my legs and armpits would be as hairy as a man%26#039;s on days I don%26#039;t shave them.

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